Stanislav Ruzanov


Stanislav Ruzanov is a member of the political council of Trudovaja Rossija party (Labour Russia)

What did TR organize on December 24th? How did you try to show you discontent about the liberals, who organize the demonstrations and forbid the left representatives to took part in them on the stage?

On this time they invented new ways to avoid disorders and make people not to be distracted from the stage they monopolized. Liberals knew that different left movements would try to create their own alternative space to apply directly to people, express their ideas and attract the attention of the mass, with the hope to take the control of the situation. They prevent us to do this, they forbid people to take megaphones and microphones in the square. So we had to find new ways to communicate with people and to spread our ideas: we distributed our journal and our leaflets, we spoke face to face with people and we distributed red ribbons, against the white ribbons distributed by liberals.

Who organized the demonstration on Vorob’evye Gory? It seemed to be a left organization, they used red ribbons too.

That demonstration was organized by Sergej Kurginjan, who is a member of the statist team. It’s clear that behind his actions there is the Putin hand. He is also allowed to lead a tv program, “the historical duel”, in which he discusses against the liberal Sanidze (Medvedev supporter), supporting the statist putinian line.
The TR activist didn’t took part in it, we prefer be present at the demonstration in Prospekt Sakharova, but I saw some videos and I had the bad sensation (but it’s only a sensation) that the two demonstrations are moved by the two Cremlin clans. The “tandem” is finishing, and how it is going to end we will understand only closer to the presidential elections in march.
I suspect the demonstrations are done not to attack Putin, as superficially it could seem, but to favor his political line against the Medvedev one. Liberals allowed on the stage Ksenija Sobchak, Putin’s nephew, and the former Minister Kudrin, member of the Putin’s entourage.

The next demonstration was set far in the future, on February. What is TR going to do in this period? Are you going to organize not-authorized demonstrations?

No, we don’t want to make careless actions, the situation is really complicated and we want to analyze it well before we do anything. At the moment we are going to use every occasion like the legal demonstration to spread our ideas. It’s not convenient for us to do not-authorized demonstrations, we have to gather strength and organize a day with big left initiative.

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